Dear David and Daniel, This email is at least 24 hours overdue, but we were almost as wiped out yesterday as we were when we got home from the party Saturday evening, and this is the first time since Saturday that I feel as though my brain is functioning sufficiently well to send you this email. We are all so incredibly grateful for the job you two, and the motivators did in making the party SO MUCH FUN. We have been inundated with calls and emails since Saturday night telling us how super everything was, and you were signaled out all the time for special mention. Everything you did was right, from the tone Daniel set with the kids and the way you interacted with them, to Jesse’s music and the way he invited guests (including, it seemed, the entire boy contingent) to play with him, to David’s terrific mix of music, with current stuff blended in totally with older favorites. The hora was the right length and in the right spot, the trivia was well done. Mostly, though, thank you for how lovely you were with our daughters. Samantha and Charlotte, who, as I think you figured out, are very different, both enjoyed their time with you and felt incredibly comfortable with you. That’s a pretty significant fact for us. They both had such a good time, as did all of their friends and all of us, and we know that this is in large part due to your work and skill and the simply terrific job you did. We will miss being in touch with you, but Charlotte’s bat mitzvah will be here before we know it!! Thanks again, we really are so grateful.