Yelp does not provide enough stars to give proper credit to Dave Swirksy and Expressway Music. Five stars doesn’t do it. When I started planning my daughter Julia’s bat mitzvah party over a year ago, I swore that we would not have a DJ. I have had so many miserable experiences as a guest at mitzvah parties (and weddings) where the music was deafeningly loud, so loud that the walls and floor seemed to vibrate and you couldn’t have a conversation with the person standing right next to you unless you literally screamed in their ear. have been to more than one party where I sat there with earplugs, unable to socialize or enjoy myself or even hear myself think. So when Julia expressed a wish to have dancing and games, initially I said no. I said no the second, third, and fourth times she asked as well. Finally, I began to worry that she wouldn’t have fun at her own party and agreed to look into finding a DJ that both kids and adults alike might enjoy. I was skeptical, to say the least. Fast forward to November 18, 2019, when Julia and our guests — kids and adults alike — had the time of their lives thanks to Dave, who was our DJ, and the incomparable Daniel as emcee. Dave has an uncanny ability to read the room, play music that will be fun for all the guests, and meet the host’s goals and take the host’s wishes into account. I honestly wasn’t sure how this was possible, but he did it. It takes enormous talent and sensitivity – not to mention good taste – to accomplish this, and the experience was so amazing that it far surpassed anything I’d expected. The music was at an appropriate volume so that people could dance and enjoy themselves, but also so that people who weren’t necessarily dancing could enjoy themselves as well, whether at the bar, in small groups of people having conversations, etc. Daniel the emcee just charmed the kids with his sense of fun, creative games, whimsical dances, and more. He was so much fun, even adults joined in. (Yes, I tried to limbo!) When both your 13-year-old daughter and your 81-year-old father are raving about the entertainment at your party, you know you found the right talent. From the time I started my initial search for a DJ to the date of the party, Planning a party like a mitzvah or a wedding is a substantial investment financially and an even greater investment emotionally because it celebrates a milestone of enormous personal and cultural significance. My daughter was so proud of what she had accomplished in preparing for her bat mitzvah and could not have found a better way to celebrate than with music and dancing guided by Dave and Daniel. I honestly don’t think I ever saw my child so happy. As a parent, one’s happiness is often determined by the happiness of one’s kids. That was certainly true here, but not entirely, because I thoroughly enjoyed myself in the moment as well and will remember it all for a very long time. I am really grateful to Dave and his colleagues and cannot recommend him highly enough.

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