Karaoke at Cipriani NYC
When the client hired us for this event they told us that they were not happy with their Karaoke DJ from last years event because they showed up late and were unprofessional.(i can’t tell you how often we get hired because of this!!) We got hired immediately and the client thanked us many times for our professionalism and excellent kj/dj(i humbly say…me!:) After guests had dinner they came into this gigantic space where the karaoke was. Here is a guest singing the first song of the night by Montell Jordan.

I emceed the event and also signed guests up to sing (and ran sound and video!) The 500 guests loved this part of the evening, which was scheduled for the last hour of the fundraiser. Guests had fun and so did I!!

Definitely call us for your next Karaoke event. We have provided Karaoke services to everyone from P.Diddy to Senator Chuck Schumer and from the former CEO of Deloitte and Touche to Calvin Klein and many, many more!!