Aqua Azul Bat Mitzvah
Abigail’s Bat Mitzvah was as unique as it was fun. It was held on this magnificent 4 story Yacht that sailed around Manhattan. Here is the front of the Aqua Azul.
DJ and Karaoke
Abigail’s Mom wanted to make sure that the kids have a lot of fun. I suggested they add Karaoke and they did in the weeks leading up to the party. It couldn’t have been more successful. The kids LOVED it!

The Aqua Azul is a 4 level yacht. On the first level guests are treated to the music of a player piano for cocktail hour (later on i hooked up our Ipad to the Boats sound system and played a custom made music list)
On the 2nd floor is where everyone ate, toasts were made and we played Abigail’s montage on our screen/projector as pictured below:

after dinner, toasts and the montage guests came upstairs to the third floor for Candle Lighting, Long Hora, Dancing and Photo Booth!

The Photographer for this Bat Mitzvah was Matt Kirchof. Matt is a nice guy who NEVER misses a shot. He very generously allowed us to use some of his photos from the Bat Mitzvah for this blog. Thank you Matt! Here is his information:
Letter from Mom
From: alison
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 9:40 AM
To: David Swirsky
Subject: Thank you!
Hi David,
Everyone had a great time! Thanks for running the party so well. The kids were thrilled with the karaoke, dancing and the raffle at the end. It is amazing how excited they get over Starbucks gift cards And, I of course, had a blast dancing the hora (and everything else!). You did a great job!
Thanks again,