Karaoke team building events
Since our inception in 1992 Expressway Music has been the go-to DJ and Karaoke firm for Corporate and Fortune 500 firms to go for their karaoke team building events. This past month has continued that tradition! We have been hired by large corporations to assist them in their Team Building Exercises. For each of the following events, we started with a contest where each group was judged on how well they performed together as a group (and other factors). After the contest, the floor was opened for Karaoke and Dancing!
Team Building at The Fishbowl (Dream Hotel Midtown)

The next video is a Team Building Dinner DJ Dave DJ’d at Mr. Chow in Tribeca

Here is DJ Dave Swirsky’s DJ and Karaoke set up (includes Bose speakers, 6 wireless microphones, tv monitor on stand and more)

Even if you are not doing a Team Building event, karaoke is a great way for employees to blow of steam and have a great time. Our KJ’s are experts at DJ/Karaoke combos and getting everyone involved without forcing it at all.

Having an event of any type and would like a very inclusive activity (Karaoke) run by a company with a lot of experience? call us! We would love to work with you!
Related Link: Carnegie Hall Corporate Event